— St Louis
Document date
Saturday 25th of March 1916
Transcription Notes
A long dull & uninteresting day. The scenery the greater part of the way was nice but nothing very startling. The most striking sight was Louisville with the Ohio river which is a grand and huge stream. Very few people on board & very slow travelling. After Louisville we went rather under 30 miles an hour stopping every 3 or 4 miles at a wayside station. Some rain and one hail storm, otherwise fine & still very warm. Arrived at St Louis at 11.30 just 4 h[ours] late and drove in a taxi to Westmorland Hotel, pronounced West mor land with strong emphasis on middle syllable. Very glad to get to the hotel but of course I shall not get my trunks till tomorrow. The check system is an abominable one!Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism