Sharp diary 1916 page 106. Monday 27 March 1916 - St Louis
Document date
Monday 27th of March 1916
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted at 8.15 and got to work at letters. Miss Tiernay the secretary turned up at 10 and discussed plans. My mail with letters from home, Mrs Callery, Miss Frost, Miss Young etc came at 11.15. Chubb called for me at 12.15 & took me to lunch at the City Club to meet the Committee of the pageant at lunch. Then I went on to the library and took a rehearsal at 3 and then the first 2 classes at 3.30-4.30, 4.30-5.30 returning just in time to dress & go off to my lecture. A Bumper audience. I did fairly well but it was a difficult — in some respects an impossible — place to speak in. Still people were interested. It will be nice to see what sort of audience I have tomorrow. I believe I am speaking every day this week! My throat held out wonderfully, far better than I ever expected it would and I talked for 1_ h[ours]. Mrs Travers[?] & her husband brought me to & from lecture in their motor.Location
USA : Missouri : St. Louis [38.646991,-90.224967]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism