Sharp diary 1916 page 119. Sunday 9 April 1916 - Kalamazoo, Michigan
Document date
Sunday 9th of April 1916
Transcription Notes
Arrived at Kalamazoo at 4.55 a.m. very sleepy although I had slept but little owing to my cough. Made for the Park American hotel just opposite the station. Engaged a nice room and after airing it, turning off the steam heat & reducing the temperature retired to bed where I slept till 9.15. Late breakfast & then letters to lunch. Afterward Miss Frost & Miss Fancrook[?] called & we discussed matters. I walked back with them to the College a very large building about 1_ miles from here. Returned to hotel at 5.30.Location
USA : Michigan : Kalamazoo [42.2917069,-85.5872286]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism