Sharp diary 1916 page 147. Sunday 7 May 1916 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Sunday 7th of May 1916
Transcription Notes
Letters with Maud all the morning. Lunched at the Club. Then at 4 to the Garden to take M[idsummer] N[ight’s] D[ream] rehearsal at which however failed because Dr Schleiter & others didn’t turn up! Mrs Callery drove me to the Golf Club to take tea with Mr Shiras. I met a lot of interesting people there including Dr White of the University. Went a walk with Maud on to the top of the ridge by the University and then came back to dinner, strolling round to Mrs Callery’s later on. To bed fairly early.Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism