Sharp diary 1916 page 196. Sunday 25 June 1916 - Amherst

Document date
Sunday 25th of June 1916
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted at Amherst Hotel — won’t go there again in a hurry!! Rabold came round in the morning and Maud Lily & I with him practised my new dance Daphne — goes quite well. Lunched at Prospect with the Steinbergs then rested, had tea and then a long private talk with Mrs Storrow at her house. Dined with Rabold & the rest of the staff at Prospect. Mrs Storrow, Charlotte Foss, the Steinbergs, Fifine [Peabody] & Miss Chapin all came up to my room & talked & frivolled[?] To bed at 10 as School begins at 8 a.m.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Amherst [42.3803676,-72.523143]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism