Sharp diary 1916 page 363. Saturday 9 December 1916 - SS Ryndam
Document date
Saturday 9th of December 1916
Transcription Notes
Maud’s cabin next to mine. She has a nice cabin mate in Mrs Vissing, an American woman bound for Rotterdam to join her Dutch husband. Food very nice. Good smoking room, but poor drawing room & library. An old ship. Same Captain (Kroll by name) as on the [Niuew] Amsterdam. Made friends with a Colonel Gothenham[?] a Toronto Distiller on the way to London to see his son who is at the Front and has a week’s leave on the 17th. A very polyglot community, Dutch, German, French, Americans, Canadians English and one Turk! Maud not very well though weather wonderfully calm though cold. Sea smooth — Run 267.
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism