— Sevierville, Tennessee

Document date
Saturday 14th of April 1917
Transcription Notes
Packed steadily till about 10.30 and then went out to make a few purchases in Knoxville and to call on the old fiddler Julian. I got 2 nice tunes from him and then returned to hotel, settled up, lunched and caught the 2.30 train to Sevierville, travelling with Dr. Johnson. Arrived there at 4 (fare 1 — 80) when Dr. Bishop met us. Acting under his advice we put up at Central hotel, a very primitive hostelry run by a nice old widow woman Mrs. Bromers. Managed to make ourselves fairly comfortable there though the feeding was pretty bad and not over clean. After dinner (!) at 6 we went to Dr. Bishop’s place to hear Johnson lecture on Sanitation after which I gave a short address and we sang some songs. Tried to get on to Storey but failed so I gave Johnson messages to carry thither when he went there tomorrow.Location
USA : Tennessee : Knoxville [35.9606384,-83.9207392]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism