— Harlan, Kentucky

Document date
Friday 4th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Went round to Mrs Townsley & Mrs Wilson in the morning and took 6 good songs off them. They are nice people & we must tap them again on return. In the afternoon we left for Kelly Hotel Harlan arriving about 7 p.m. The view from the train was not encouraging — little else than coal-mines and Colliery Co’s tenements and Harlan itself looked still worse for our purpose. Mr Kelly very obliging but quite as dirty & grubby as his hotel where we spent a very unpleasant night in thoroughly dirty airless surroundings. Weather very cold and cheerless which together with absence of prospects for the morrow sent us both to bed thoroughly depressed!Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism