Sharp diary 1917 page 146. otelHHH -

Document date
Friday 18th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Friday 18 May 1917 Barbourville After breakfast I made a great effort and got up, dressed and tottered downstairs escorted by Dr Packhard. Then with his help I went over to the barber’s and got 8 days beard removed, then went up to my room again, had lunch and rested. After tea I came down again and sat in the hall where it was much cooler and I got away from the smells of the painting that was going on on the top floor. We discussed plans and decided to make a dash for Berea in the morning Campbell telephoning to get us rooms and deciding together with Packhard to wait & see us through our journey. Maud packed all the evening while I lay in bed quite exhausted after my effort. In the morning Mrs Knuckles came in before I got up and gave me a few more songs. Weather distressingly hot which makes me perhaps feel my weakness more than ever. I never remember being such a crock.
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism