— Berea College, Kentucky

Document date
Saturday 19th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Dressed soon after 9 and then at 10 motored with the Dr [Packhard] & Maud to the station C[ampbell] going ahead to see after baggage. We caught the 10.15 to Corbin changed there and after a very hot, stiflingly hot and wearisome journey — we stopped at every station — arrived at Berea at 1.15. Had lunch & then to my room. Tried to lie down but it was too hot. So had some tea & then came downstairs and sat in the verandah till dinner time. Campbell & Packhard went & called upon President Frost and rooted out particulars about singers. After dinner sat in verandah till 10 p.m. said good bye to Dr [Packhard] & Campbell who were going to catch midnight train back to Asheville. I completely collapsed when I reached my room where the heat was intense. Unless I can get a better room tomorrow I must go elsewhere.Location
USA : Kentucky : Barbourville [36.8664765,-83.8888138]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism