Sharp diary 1917 page 154. Saturday 26 May 1917 - Berea

Document date
Saturday 26th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
A very busy day. Attend chapel at 9.30 and address students afterwards singing 3 or 4 songs. Makes a considerable stir and various students call on me during the day to sing to me. Mrs Frost brings Mr Baker round to sing to me together with a gift of honey in the comb. The honey of better quality than the songs! Prof. Raine dines with me and we have a long discussion afterwards about ballad singing at Berea. Also Miss Scotton[?] & Miss Jamieson call on me in the evening and we talk on verandah, the former showing me her dulcimer of three strings tuned in octave A. Weather very windy, but hot & muggy nevertheless.Location
USA : Kentucky : Berea [37.568694,-84.2963223]
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