Sharp diary 1917 page 164. Tuesday 5 June 1917 - Pineville

Document date
Tuesday 5th of June 1917
Transcription Notes
Had a long and apparently a good night, but feel so weak that after breakfast sitting on the verandah we decide to give up Barbourville and make tracks for Hot Springs tomorrow by the 4 a.m. train. Lucky we decided to do this for directly afterwards my front tooth suddenly began to ache violently necessitating a hurried visit to the dentist who very cleverly patched it up and stopped the aching. It is clear I must have my teeth properly seen to so decide to give up projected stay at Hot Springs & go direct to Asheville tomorrow. Wire Campbell accordingly. Mrs Wilson comes in in the afternoon to tea, and sings to me. Then I write up my books & Maud packs.Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism