— Knoxville, Tennessee

Document date
Sunday 5th of August 1917
Transcription Notes
Wake up very early, 5 a.m. with a sneezing fit — either hay fever or a cold, or a combination of both. After breakfast pack and send our trunks off to the station. Write several letters and after lunch catch the 2.55 for Knoxville. A terrible experience waiting for the train, herded about 150 of us like pigs in a stye, not even with the information that we were in the right stye! After nearly half an hour of this purgatory the train drew up and we were let out one by one through a narrow opening. The windows so dirty in the train that we could not see the mountain scenery. Heat almost unbelievable — no air. There we remained till 9 p.m. (8 central time) when we reached Knoxville and decamped to Hotel Atkin. How we lived through that night I shall never know. I am feeling very seedy, headache, asthma, & general lassitude.Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism