Sharp diary 1917 page 235. Wednesday 15 August 1917 - Manchester

Document date
Wednesday 15th of August 1917
Transcription Notes
Got hold of Campbell the jeweller to look at the hinge of my trunk which is broken. He tells me he can do nothing without a casting which I can only get from the manufacturers. I accordingly write to Hartmann’s for one. Spend the day making preparations for our journey to Onieda tomorrow. Maud is far from well and the heat and my cough does not make me feel very fit. Write a great many letters and pack my suit case with care as I may have to live on it for some time. Make friends with a Mr Glenn, a geologist, who knows the mountains very well and learn from him something about the more secluded and unsophisticated spots. He collects old weaving patterns. Shall be glad to leave Webb’s hotel for a while as the poor food, dirt and beastly manners of the travelling men who frequent the hostelry, especially in the matter of eating, rather get on one’s nerves after a while.Location
USA : Kentucky : Manchester [37.1537007,-83.7618641]
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