Sharp diary 1917 page 253. Sunday 2 September 1917 - Pineville

Document date
Sunday 2nd of September 1917
Transcription Notes
Had a bad night again with dysentery, this time with some pain. Maud also continuing bad so we send for a doctor. He says it is a bacillus form of dysentery and that we have probably picked it up in bad water. No danger so long as we avoid complications. It will take about 2 weeks to go through — must be careful about diet. In the morning I write up my tunes — about 20 of them — then letters to Glenn, Campbell etc. After tea in the evening have a long argument with a Mr Duffy about the mountain people, their culture etc. He sneers at them, their songs & everything. We offer to sing some of the songs which we do after dinner. No one of course appreciates them but for the moment it silences opposition. The medicine the doctor gave us does not seem to have much effect so far, but we hope for an improvement tomorrow.Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
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