Sharp diary 1917 page 300. Friday 19 October 1917 - Asheville

Document date
Friday 19th of October 1917
Transcription Notes
Go to Sinclair again who keeps me a long while. The cast seems a good one and he says the plate will be ready for me on Tuesday next. I go to Durham’s and try over some of my MS. Miss Dickey has got me a room and a piano at the Presbyterian Church house. I am eager to go there tomorrow. Very rainy & stormy and I got caught in a bad storm — without an umbrella of course. However, no bones broken. Hayes sees me in Asheville and tells me of a literary man Robert Scott who is at this hotel. Scott makes friends with me. He is English by birth but is now an American citizen working in Funk & Wayvales office N[ew] York. Like all perverts[?], more American than the Americans — we argue rather hotly.Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism