Sharp diary 1917 page 302. Sunday 21 October 1917 - Asheville

Document date
Sunday 21st of October 1917
Transcription Notes
Miss Dickey who was to have lunched with us telephones she has a cold and asks if she may come on Tuesday instead. I work all day at my songs and by the evening have finished 7 of them — more than half my task completed. Have a long talk with Scott & his wife after lunch. I like her better than him — but he may possibly be useful to me. At any rate he promises to write a review of my book in the Lit[erary] Digest. Maud is not very well but comes down to dinner. Go to bed fairly early. My asthma is much better. Am reading Gerard’s book which I find very interesting.1Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
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