Sharp diary 1917 page 316. Sunday 4 November 1917 - New York

Document date
Sunday 4th of November 1917
Transcription Notes
Long morning over letters to Farnsworth, Prince, De Forest, Payne etc and nearly finished off long screed to Fox Strangways. We had lunch in our room for the first time, Maud making some splendid soup (canned) and providing all sorts of dainties! Continued work in our room till 6, when we walked over to Charlotte Foss’s to dinner. She keeps with a young woman Miss Dean and make their own meals etc. A very pleasant evening with a good deal of argument more or less serious and some chaff. There is a good deal of pro- germanism about, a stronger undercurrent than many realise. Partly from an inherited dislike of England and partly from an exaggerated but mistaken estimate of the value of German Kultur. This is what I had to combat to- night.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism