Sharp diary 1917 page 317. Monday 5 November 1917 - New York

Document date
Monday 5th of November 1917
Transcription Notes
Letters after breakfast. Then Maud stayed at home and I went round to Glenn to discuss invitation form etc of my lecture on the 23rd. He promised to see Mrs Rice, take her advice & let me know. We lunched at home once more — this is an economical device that bids fair to be very successful — then rehearsed our Running Set at 5.15. Miss Beiderhaze came to tea at 4 and we discussed Xmas School in N[ew] York. After the rehearsal we entertained the Campbells at dinner at Plum Pudding place in 41st st[reet] Rabold joining us at coffee. R[abold] Maud and I then went over to E.F.D.S. meeting at Brooklyn M and I each teaching a dance — I — the Fine Companion, she Bonny Broom. We returned pretty late, very tired & rather hungry. Weather the last 2 or 3 days sunny & bright but a cold north wind. Was glad of my winter over-coat to- day.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism