Sharp diary 1917 page 367. Tuesday 25 December 1917 - New York

Document date
Tuesday 25th of December 1917
Transcription Notes
The second Xmas day I have spent in America! Warm and raining. Spent morning in Rabold’s studio harmonizing tunes I got from the Library yesterday — Rabold being away. Lunched in our rooms Maud making me some canned soup! After tea — also in our rooms — I had another go at my Introduction which is at last beginning to take some shape. Then we determined to let ourselves go and have a real blow out and an orthodox Xmas dinner downstairs regardless of expense. So we had Turkey with cranberry sauce, potatoes & turnips, plum pudding, coffee and (I only) an appricotine[?] liqueur. Imagine our surprise when the waiter refused to hand me the usual bill saying Mr Case made us a present of our dinners as an Xmas greeting. This is nice indeed[?]! Had we been less greedy and more economical we should never have forgiven ourselves!Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism