Sharp diary 1917 page 370. Friday 28 December 1917 - New York

Document date
Friday 28th of December 1917
Transcription Notes
Maud went off at 8.30 to give a private lesson to Miss Darling, I followed half an hour later. Went out in ordinary overcoat as lift-boy said it was muggy. It wasn’t very cold but got rapidly colder as day wore on and in evening was quite fierce. Usual classes. The Bingham’s etc came in in the afternoon to my lecture & Maud danced to them afterwards. Everything goes well but it was a great strain taking so many classes in a large room, especially on my voice. Expected Bradley to dine with us — I told him I was engaged all day and evening my only free time, so it was annoying on my return to Hotel to fine he had telephoned to us to lunch with him — which of course we couldn’t do — and left no address. So I am afraid I shan’t see him now before my departure to Chicago on Tuesday. In the evening we dined downstairs — it was too cold to go out — and spent a quiet evening. I wrote a long letter to Joaney and one to Miss Hewitt also. Shall be glad when tomorrow is over.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism