Sharp diary 1917 page 76. Friday 9 March 1917 - New York

Document date
Friday 9th of March 1917
Transcription Notes
Had breakfast rather late at 9.15 and then tackled letters writing to Mrs Post Chubb, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Storrow, Mrs Callery, then out about my pince nez and to lunch at Peg Woffington Restaurant in 44th St[reet] East. Then a long interview with Arnold Shaw with whom I agreed to reserve November next for lectures he to see what he can do & report in May. Forsyth came to tea and we had a very pleasant talk afterwards. Wrote more letters and then went out to dinner at The Old England place in 43rd St[reet] West. After dinner I wrote several letters — to Miss Boyce from whom I had received a wire earlier in the day. Things look a little better but evidently not much doing yet. Must work for financial help for mountains.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism