Sharp diary 1917 page 97. Friday 30 March 1917 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Friday 30th of March 1917
Transcription Notes
Breakfast at 7.45 & more work at Introduction. Then to Tech to take classes 10.30-12.30 & farewell with a speech from myself. Lunched with Maud at Club and at 2.30 went off to Training College where I lectured to students for 3 quarters of an hour. Got back to Carnegie library at 4 and taught from 4-5.30. Then to Schenley to meet Miss Cora Neile of the mountains. Dined at 6.45 with Miss Boyce & Miss Gilchrist at Schenley to talk over affairs of Society. Came home for a short rest while Maud took class 8-9 I taking the second class till 10.30. Dr Schleiter came back with me to the club for a drink. To bed at 11.45 — tired as usual. Weather rather better — cold but bright & shining & not too much wind.Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism