Sharp diary 1918 page 293. Thursday 17 October 1918 - Asheville
Document date
Thursday 17th of October 1918
Transcription Notes
Weather much warmer and I again put on my summer flannel suit and feel that the summer has not yet gone. I write a long letter to Miss Daking in reply to her last report, send her a copy of the C[ountry[ D[ance] Book registered. Also despatch my 100 English Folk Songs to the Wrays at Burnsville, suitably inscribed. Go down to dentist again so that some minor alterations may be made in my new plate which continues to serve its purpose and is fairly comfortable. After tea I put into my photo & negative books the last batch of mountain photographs of which I find I have now taken about 120. Begin revising my M.S. books in preparation for the Harvard Copyist. Get 2 letters from Constance (enclosing one from Mr Oppe) and one from the ever-faithful Joan. Mr Oppe’s letter gives me the first clear information I have had about E.F.D.S. doings respecting B[oard] of Ed[ucation] also get letters from Feakins, Perrin etc. The movie show was not instructive to-night, but regaled us with a real story — and rather a good one.Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
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