Hot cockles | Teazing Made Easy
Transcription Notes
| DOUBLE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Hey contrary sides . hey on your own sides : promenade 3 Cu: . & whole poussette : . OR THUS Set & half right & left with 2d Cu: set & back again . chain figure 6 round : down the mid: up again lead thro' top Cu: . & set contrary corners : . In the performance of this figure it has long been a practice with persons unacquainted with the true system of Country Dancing to make it a long instead of (what it really is) a short figure, and by galloping down a dozen couple instead of two (the proper extent of this figure) take up in its performance a whole strain of Music in long measure instead of half a strain, if this system is practised the Dancer will have to every tune where this figure occurs a figure too much for the Music as may be seen in this figure, the first 4 bars of the Music is sufficient for Lead down the middle & up again & the remaining 4 bars of the strain are employed for the performance of Allemande. For a further Elucidation of this subject with an explanation of the different Measures and Times of the Music, see WILSON'S Companion to the Ball room. [Further text clipped in image.] SINGLE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Hands across with 2d Cu: quite round & back again : down the middle up again & allemande : . OR THUS Whole figure at top : lead down the mid: up again & right & left : .
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism