Follies of a day | Mad Dog
Transcription Notes
| SINGLE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) The 1st Lady & 2d Gent change places & set 1st Gent: & 2d Lady do same and back : cross over one Cu: & half figure round 3d Cu: : . OR THUS Hands across quite round with 2d Cu: & back again : down the mid: up again & lead round the top Cu: : . SINGLE FIGURE (Tune play'd straight thro') Whole figure at top . lead down the middle up again & half poussette with top Cu: . . DOUBLE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Set & half right & left with 2d Cu: set & back again . cross over 2 Cu: : cross up one Cu: half figure round the top Cu: . & lead outsides : .
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism