New Tyrolese Waltz | Twoli
Transcription Notes
| WALTZ FIGURE (Each strain repeated) The 3 Ladies & 3 Gent: set to each other : swing with right hands round 2d Cu: then with left : . COUNTRY DANCE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Set & hands across quite round with 2d Cu: set & back : down the mid: up again & turn your partner : . The Waltzes in this & in ``BUTTON & WHITAKER'S'' & ``THOMPSON'S'' Collection will be found more useful to the Dancer than those published in any other, as they are not only adapted for Waltzing, but having proper figures set to them, may be danced as Country Dances, & likewise for Country Dance Waltzes, or Waltz Country Dances. WALTZ FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Swing with right hands round 2d Cu: & turn your partner ala waltz : swing cor.s : chain figure 4 round at bottom & lead thro' top : & hands 6 round & back again : . COUNTRY DANCE FIGURE (Each strain repeated) Hands 3 round on the Ladies side hands 3 round on the Gent: side : promenade 3 Cu: : whole poussette : & swing corners : .
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism