Preston's 1800
- Preston's 1800 page 1 No given title
- Lord Duncans Fancy | Helder Point
- Change Alley | Opera Reel
- Bognor Rocks | Bonny Charley
- Unas Lock | Mrs Gardner of troops Reel
- Sr Sydney Smiths Triumph | Duncan Davidson
- The Round Tower | Nong tong Paw
- Sr Phillip Mc Que | Barham Downs
- Red Cross Knight | Lady Portmores Reel
- Hilligsburghs Strathpey | Prince of Wirtenburgs Waltz
- Surrender of Seringapatam | Lord Nelson's Hornpipe
- Buonapartes Defeat | The Laurel of 99
- Mozarts Waltz | MissMackenzie's Strasphey