The Whigs of Fyffe | Robin Shore in Harst
Transcription Notes
| The first Cu. Foots to the 2d Wo. & Hands round all Three . The same to the 2d Man : Cross over two Cu. & turn your Partner .. Lead up to the Top foot it & cast off one Cu. : The first Cu. foot it & cast off two Ou. . Foot it & cast up again : The first Man foot it to the 3d Wo. & the first Wo. foots to the 2d Man at the same time then foot to your Partners but not turn .. Foot it to the other Corners & to your Partner but not turn :: Turn Corners with your Right Hands & your Partner with your Left Hands : Lead through your 3d Cu. Cast up into the 2d Cu.s Place & turn your Partner .. Lead up to the Top cast off & turn :
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism