EFDSS Presents...
Showcasing the talents of established and emerging folk stars of the next generation, including recipients of English Folk Dance and Song Society bursaries, hosted by Katy Spicer (CEO and Artistic Director).
Cellar Bar, Kennaway House, 11.30am–1.00pm
Sunday 31st July
George Sansome and Lambrego
Monday 1st August
Mossy Christian and Megan Wisdom
Tuesday 2nd August
The Wilderness Yet and Holly Clarke
Wednesday 3rd August
Miranda Rutter and Suthering
Thursday 4th August
Jack Rutter and The Shackleton Trio
Cecil Sharp House Choir
Saturday 30th July
Methodist Church
Join Cecil Sharp House Choir and leader Rose Martin for this joyful and eclectic mix of beautifully arranged traditional and modern folk songs from Britain and beyond – with opportunities to join in! Introduced by Gail Duff.
An Hour Or So with Queer Folk
Monday 1st August
Arts Centre
Sophie Crawford & George Sansome, introduced by Katy Spicer
And Gold Badges...
Monday 1st August
Manor Pavilion
Instep In Time. Including the award of English Folk Dance and Song Society Gold Badges to Chris Metherell and Kerry Fletcher, and honouring recent Gold Badge recipients Lynette & Jim Eldon.