Donate now
Individual donations are a crucial form of support for us. They supplement our income from grants and commercial activities, and we are often able to direct them towards immediate priority areas.
Personal donations help to fund and develop a whole range of folk activities across music, dance and scholarly research. From developing emerging talent, supporting folk-dance or training the next generation of folk programmers, your donation, large or small, will directly help to grow and nourish the future of the English folk arts.
How we use your donations
Individual donors have been essential to the success of major capital projects in past years – including the comprehensive renovation in 2016 of Kennedy Hall in our London headquarters, Cecil Sharp House.
Some recent and ongoing projects directly funded by private donations such as yours include:
- Mini grants for social folk dance organisers
- Micro grants for artist development
- Grants to dance clubs and music clubs to help catalogue their club archives
- Bursaries to young people to support fees for both the National Youth Folk Ensemble and London Youth Folk Ensemble
Please make a general donation today
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