Application deadline: 10 October 2022
This year we are delighted to again offer five mini grants to support folk dance activity.
This follows the support we gave to five new projects in 2021, which helped people get back to folk dancing in person as COVID-19 restrictions were lifted.
We are seeking proposals from individuals and groups / organisations who need support for one of the following:
- to embark on a new folk dance project (or who have recently started a folk dance project within the last 6 months)
- to develop something new within an existing dance activity (for example to make it more accessible to a wider range of participants)
Five grants of £500 will be offered to help cover the costs of developing and running these events or projects.
We enthusiastically encourage activities which increase access to folk dance for people with diverse backgrounds and needs, in relation to one or more of the following:
age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and social or economic status.
You can find helpful information on this website about Safeguarding, Health and Safety policies, and Equality and Diversity.
To apply for a mini grant, use the application form:
Application form (PDF)
Application form (Word)
The closing date for completed application is 10 October 2022, 9am.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application on 1 November 2022.
The mini grant must be used by 31 May 2023, and report submitted.
For further information, please contact Laura Connolly, Dance Development Manager (p/t): | 07711 126742
Photo by Annie Barnes: Sheffield Inter-Varsity Folk Dance Festival (IVFDF), recipients of a mini grant in 2021