The National Youth Folk Ensemble is marking a successful couple of years. It’s now on the hunt for young musicians for its third cohort and a number of Sampler Days are being held around the country. Find out more in our double page feature.
Katy Spicer, EFDSS’ Chief Executive and Artistic Director, has just marked her 10th anniversary at the helm of the organisation. She discusses what exciting projects she has planned for the next decade.
The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library is welcoming back visitors after its impressive refurbishment and re-opening; there are lots of events on the horizon and EFDSS’ Library and Archives Director Laura Smyth offers a taster of what’s coming up.
Elsewhere, Bodmin Folk Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary in May – read more about the club and its upcoming celebratory events in our regular Folk in our Pub feature.
There’s a feature on step dancing ‘down south’; a story about an interesting collaborative project between a poet and ceilidh band; and a fascinating look at the songs of Victorian singer Patience Vaisey, collected by Lucy Broadwood.
All of this plus regular news, reviews, dance events, festival listings and much more.