Meet the Ensemble
Meet the National Youth Folk Ensemble 2024/25...
Alf, cello
Joined in 2022
“I enjoy creating some absolute banging tunes with my mates and that there is always top craic with all the other people who share similar interests.”
Favourite track of the moment: No Other Way, Paulo Nutini
Arlo, flute
Joined in 2024
“It lets me express myself musically in ways that I couldn't really in other genres, and is also just lots of fun. I really love learning/writing tunes and finding ways to arrange them.”
Favourite track of the moment: Soul Cake, Sam Lee
Barney, fiddle
Joined in 2022
“I love creating and performing music with other young people who love folk music!! and the dancing's great fun.”
Favourite track of the moment: Nobody's Marsch, Northern Resonance
Ella, cello
Joined in 2024
“I love playing folk music because of how collaborative it is and the sense of togetherness and community which is at the heart of the genre itself.”
Favourite track of the moment: The Circle Game, Joni Mitchell
Emily, bassoon
Joined in 2023
“I love spending time with everyone at NYFE, they are so much fun and are generally some of the nicest people I've met. I also love arranging and learning new tunes, the variety of instruments and ideas is mega.”
Favourite track of the moment: What Makes You, Elephant Sessions
Euan, fiddle
Greater Manchester
Joined in 2023
“I love playing folk music because there’s no restriction when it comes to playing it and how flexible it can be. I think it’s so cool how specific and unique tunes can be when played by our specific ensemble even though they’ve been played so many times before.”
Favourite track of the moment: Kaleidoscope, Chappell Roan
Finn, trombone
Joined in 2020
“Something I've enjoyed about returning back to NYFE is watching the ensemble change every year through each cohort and the new assortment of instruments creating an evolving collective sound.”
Favourite track of the moment: I Still Hear You, Adrianne Lenker & Buck Meek
Freya, piano
Joined in 2024
“I love folk music because it's a space where traditions and exciting new ideas collide - it's a genre full of creativity and I enjoy sharing my passion for folk music with other likeminded people.”
Favourite track of the moment: Marit's, The Canny Band
Isabelle, fiddle
Joined in 2024
“I have grown up dancing bal and love that the music always reflects the feeling of the dance. It’s a music which has such a natural beauty. I love playing with other people who play so beautifully and passionately”
Favourite track of the moment: Staffan's Halsingssang
Jackie, melodeon
South Yorkshire
Joined in 2024
“I love how it’s not about how well you can play the music, it’s about how well you can play with it and muck it up on purpose until it’s better than the original. That’s what people have been doing since these tunes were being written and they will only get better with time.”
Favourite track of the moment: Babooska,Babooshka, Kate Bush
Kitty, fiddle
Joined in 2023
“My favourite NYFE moment was with cohort 8 at Sidmouth 2024, when we sat out on the rocks, some of us dancing on them, after one of our last ever gigs and sang questionable but enthusiastic renditions of all our arrangements under the sunset with the sea all around us.”
Favourite track of the moment: Gratitude in Two Blue Bowls, Jane Griffiths in the Owl Light Trio
Leandro, fiddle
Joined in 2024
“My favourite part about playing folk music is that it allows me to add my own interpretation to create something distinctive and meaningful.”
Favourite track of the moment: Only a Moment Ago, Samara Joy
Leo, accordion
Joined in 2023
“I really enjoy being able to bring new life into old tunes, the NYFE community and making new friends with other young folk musicians.”
Favourite track of the moment: Hope Street, The Levellers
Matthew, guitar
North Yorkshire
Joined in 2023
“I love the spontaneity and feeling of togetherness when playing tunes with others, and the way that you can join in with tunes on the spot.”
Favourite track of the moment: Year 3000, Busted
Meg, fiddle
West Yorkshire
Joined in 2024
“I enjoy the space NYFE gives me to put some time and effort into playing music as a passion of mine and everyone around me, away from any other responsibilities or distractions.”
Favourite track of the moment: Anything by Swap!
Saul, recorder
Joined in 2023
“Folk music lets people bond and interact in an entirely unique way and you can find yourself becoming closer to people just through playing music together.”
Favourite track of the moment: Halifax, Kinnaris Quintet
Shayla, fiddle
Joined in 2024
“One of the things I love most about being in NYFE, is meeting other young musicians from all over the country and playing music with them. Its so cool that I've made such a strong connection musically and socially despite having just met everyone.”
Favourite track of the moment: Dumb & Poetic, Sabrina Carpenter
Silas, cello
West Oxfordshire
Joined in 2023
“It’s such a wide and open genre that allows me to express all my musical ideas and I enjoy being around so many people who share many of my interests”
Favourite track of the moment: Base Jumper Mike, Fourth Moon
Sophie, accordion
Joined in 2023
“I have made lifelong friends during my time in NYFE. I love working with and learning from such hugely talented individuals and this has helped my own playing and performing in so many ways. The environment is so conducive to being creative and expressing our passion in such a focused and channelled way that delivers amazing sounds and unforgettable moments. NYFE has given me some of the best memories which will last me a lifetime.”
Favourite track of the moment: Cavers of Kirkcudbright, Mike Vass
Stan, anglo concertina
Joined in 2024
“I really enjoy learning and developing with other young folk musicians who are a similar age to me, it really feels like you are a part of something special.”
Favourite track of the moment: L'air Mignonne, Imar
Tamara, guitar
Joined in 2023
"The thing that I love about folk music is that while it's rooted in traditional heritage and culture, there are so many ways to develop the form and push the boundaries of what folk music looks like. Each time you play or write a tune, you honour the music of those that came before while also progressing music and creating something new, and it is so inspiring to go through that process, especially with other people."
Favourite track of the moment: Midnight and Closedown, Lau
Woody, double bass
West Sussex
Joined in 2022
Photography by Roswitha Chesher
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